
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Inspiration Sunday- Photography Edition

I know one of the hesitations I had when I started getting into photography was that I didn't have a "fancy camera/DSLR" (at the time), and I didn't have special photo editing software. So I had to learn how to work with what I had available and to get creative with that! I think that was some of the best ways I could have learned how to take better looking pictures. Today's Inspiration Sunday focuses on two things that everyone has readily available: posing and props. 

It's crucial that when you take pictures, you pose your subject in a flattering way. Depending on if it's an infant, child, woman, man, couple, or group, there are a lot of little tricks that can work to your advantage for each type. Here's a few I dug up for you today: 

8 Different Flattering Poses for Women: 

Common Posing Mistakes and How to Fix Them: 
(source: I Heart Faces)

Before I go take family portraits, I love to study different types of posing and sketch out a few ideas that I think would work for the family I'm photographing. This next link has LOTS of fun ideas! 

For a lot of us, we're doing candid capturing of everyday life. This is one of my favorite articles (and series of photographs) about taking pictures of your kids: 

Another simple way to make photos stand out is with props:
I've seen lots of different materials being used lately as backdrops. Why not dye an old lace tablecloth or curtain a fun color? 

Or what about the twinkle of white lights? 

A simple word or sign can make all the difference in setting a tone for a 
photograph or series of photographs:

(source: Polish My Crown)
(source: meg duerksen)

This is a GREAT article on using multiple props. 

 Or if it's really impromptu, even just chalk! 

(source: Favim)

(source: Tara Whitney- unknown photographer from contest)

Click through here for more chalk fun photographs! 

(source: I Heart Faces)

You can also check out my own photography pinterest board... I've been gathering ideas there for a while now. There's so much amazing inspiration out there on this subject, and it doesn't cost any extra money or lots of fancy equipment! :) Happy snapping!

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