
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog Trivia!

Happy Wednesday!
Gretchen here!
I hope you've been having fun playing & cropping with us so far this week!
I've got a little blog trivia game for you today.
10 questions!
And you can find all the answers here on this blog on posts between May 23rd and yesterday.
Don't bother to go back farther than May 23rd!
You won't find any answers before then.

Want to know what you are playing for??
How about a couple of mists, a couple of mini alphas, a chipboard mini album, and an acrylic mini album??!

What do you think?
Worth playing for??
OK here are your questions!!

1. On her "Training Table" layout, what product did Jana use from the Homespun kit (March's kit)?

2. Where is Kimberly's daughter "Noelly" :) stationed?

3. How long have my parents been married?

4. On Friday Virginia shared an album she made with the Summer Wind kit. What did she use as her album??

5. Who is the guest designer here at Noel Mignon this month??

6. She posted a great mini-album yesterday using the Summer Wind kit. What did she use as the cover for her album?

7. True or False: On her Scrapping the Music layout, Jana used hidden journaling.

8. In May we teamed up with Got Sketch?. What was the number of the sketch we used?

9. True or False: On my "Thirsty Thursdays are back" layout, I misted the raw chipboard letters.

10. Who are the 3 people pictured on Kimberly's "My Heros" layout? Names people! I need names! :)
OK now you just need to email me your answers to
gretchenmcelveen (at) yahoo (dot) com.
I will draw a winner out of all the correct answers I receive.
{you have to get them all correct to be eligible for a prize}
And because the early bird catches the worm, the first 5 people who email me correct answers will be entered TWICE into the drawing for the prize!
Also, to make sure I get all of your emails, leave a comment on this post telling me that you have emailed me your answers!
I will email you back to let you know if you have all the answers correct.
OK enough rambling from me!
Quit reading this and go answer the questions!!