
Friday, June 29, 2012

Discover Your Scrap Style Online Workshop!

Have you ever wondered why it is that some scrapbookers' layouts are 
identifiable a mile away?

Do you have trouble deciding what purchases to make or what supplies you want to pull out because you're overwhelmed by it all- or just love it all?

Have you ever thought, "I wish I could figure out what my scrapbooking style is?"

Then this class is for you!

Join me, from the comfort of your own home & at your own pace, hosted by for an online workshop style class; August 1st-3rd! You can purchase the class alone for $12.99 OR combo class ($10.00) + kit ($28.99) for $38.99! 

The nitty gritty:

I don't claim to know everything about style and design, but I do know that I have grown from doing scrapbook pages like this:

to ones like this one, that better reflect my personal style and design sensibilities:

(We'll even discover how those early projects had clues to our personal style!)

This is going to be an interactive/discussion style class- not focusing on projects; however, I will be teaching you how to make a Design Workbook and producing a layout that features "your style." I'll also be including lots of visuals and printables (hey we're scrapbookers- we are visual creatures!). We'll be discussing what factors can go into helping you discover your scrapping style, key things to look at in that process, and some practical steps for pinpointing those elements.

What you get: 
-my research and discussion on style elements
-my workshop guiding you through at least 3 different hands-on activities that help you define your style
-a completed Design Workbook (the kit comes in handy for this!)
-a layout that represents your style (using supplies you already have on hand)

Please feel free to email me at 2blackflipflops at gmail dot com if you have any questions concerning this class; once you sign up, I will send you a supply list.

Looking forward to chatting with you all in August!

Wanna purchase the class only? Click here: 

Wanna purchase the class + kit? Click here:

Class + kit

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