
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Orange X thingys.

I remember going to my very first crop like 8 or 9 years ago.
It was here in town and I went with my mom.
I even remember seeing the flyer for it at a local scrapbook store that I drove 45 minutes to get to because I needed to feed my habit.
**Bama Scrap Blast**
"36 hours of Non-Stop Cropping!"
Anywhoooo the crop started on Friday and went through Saturday evening.
We didn't get there until Friday evening because for some reason I did not take off work.
We were the last people to get there dangit!!
As we sat there for a little while we noticed that everybody had these orange X thingys on their tables.
They were everywhere!
But not on our table!
We decided that this must have been a freebie we missed out on because we arrived so late.
So my mom, always on the look out for a deal, proceeds to ask the nice crop director {bless her} about the orange X thingys that everyone seemed to have but us.
I don't know for sure what she said to my mom, but I am pretty sure she nicely told her that she was crazy, go get your own orange X thingy at Wal-Mart, and leave me alone because I have some wacky crop games to play!
And then the nice crop director proceeded to demonstrate how the mysterious orange X thingy was, in fact, a super neat sticker maker and all cool kids have them.
We couldn't wait to get one!
Sooooo we proceeded to scrap as late as we could stay awake.
Then we stopped by Wal-Mart on the way home at ~3:00 in the morning to purchase our very own orange X thingys!
When we got back to the crop the next morning after very little sleep, we were totally in the IN crowd with our brand new orange X thingys!
Now that story was all a lead in to this layout.
{and if you are still reading this, bless you!}
I still have that orange X thingy we bought at Wal-Mart that night.
And, yep, I still use it!
So I thought I should make a layout to preserve that fun memory!
I used my "Summer Wind" kit to make this...

Thanks for stopping by the blog today!
Have a good one!!


  1. I have one and it's purple....and I never use it anymore....what do you use it for?

  2. I have the orange one too!!! Cute layout!

  3. my favorite thing to use it for is small die cut alphabets (like with my Quickutz). getting adhesive on small letters is tough! but if you run them thru this thing, they get adhesive on one side. works like a charm!!
