
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I think I've fallen . . .

for 8 1/2" by 11" sized layouts :)  Don't get me wrong, I love my 12 x 12's, but there is something about creating within that smaller space that I really enjoy.  I received my Daffodil Hill kit Monday & was so ready to dive right into it, but decided to wait & create one more with that fabulous Lasting Love kit.  I headed over to the member gallery & found this adorable design from Cathy Harper to get me started . . .


I loved the single photo shifted to the right of the page and her clustering of embellishments around it.  I also loved the diagonal scattering of bits from left to right, on either side of the photo.  Here is what I came up with . . .


I found this simple title on (where else) Pinterest - love it!!!  You can also see a close-up of how I used splatters of mist, the twinkle, and tiny punched hearts to create a similar "scattering" of bits, as Cathy did.


Below you'll see a close-up of my own clustering of embellishments around the photo & of course I had to add in a bit of machine stitching :)  You might notice that gorgeous doily border . . . created with the stamp from the Lasting Love kit :)  I just drew a line on the white cardstock showing me where the pattern paper would line up.  Then, before I glued the pattern paper down, I stamped the image down the line, top to bottom :)


Have a great Wednesday & thanks for the inspiration Cathy!!


  1. I used to scrap 8.5 x 11, but then I discovered 12 x 12 and realized that I could get so many more photos on a 12 x 12 page! I just can't seem to pare down my photos enough to go back to 8.5 x 11. :)
