
Monday, June 17, 2013

2 For 1 Monday - Part 2

HI everyone! Happy Monday!
I'm back this week with another episode of 2 for 1 Monday :D

Funny story - when I was creating this weekend, I grabbed the past 2
kits (Country Lane & Beach Blvd) to combine some things together.
I got up to let my pups out & just completely had a brain spasm because...
I started working on my layout and realizing...wait. this is the Country Lane
kit by itself! I was almost done. SO instead of combining like I planned...
you get 2 layouts for the price of 1. ha!

So here you's the first layout I did using Country Lane:
"What A Hipster"

I just LOVE the Hipster line by Basic Grey. So much so that
part of the packaging went on my page. The chipboard packaging
behind my son's photo is the BG pkg. I LOVE it! I wanted to use
it as my title - so I incorporated it somewhat. I thought it was perfect
for my son's SR. photo's. I'm still scrapping them - I have SO many!
He graduated in 2010 - plus I had the BEST photographer ever.
(photo by:  Andie Smith of Andie Mae Photography)

here's some closer shots:

and for my 2nd layout  I used the Beach Blvd. kit:
"Like A Boss"

I about DIED (laughing) one day when I looked under my scrap
desk to see Bandit, our 13 year old mixed terrier in our pup's (Lilly Pulitzer's)
bed. Hilarious! I had to snap the picture.
I used the new app by Elsie #ABeautifulMess to create the words
on my photo, then printed it out and here it is on this page.
Bandit...he still acts like a puppy! I love that boy.

Here's some closer shots:

Hope you've enjoyed 2 For 1 Monday!

Have a great day,