
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hello Sunshine layout and a tour of my scrapbooking room!

Hi everyone!!  I'm here today to share my latest Hello Sunshine kit PLUS a quick (but really not quick and actually quite wordy....) tour of my little scrapbook room.  Let's start with the good stuff shall we?

I really love the bright colors in this kit and thought that they might help liven up some super cute photo's from the zoo last year, since all the main colors in the photos were grays and tans.

Of course Charlie was 2 at the time so he didn't care so much about the animals (and there were about one million meltdowns that morning) but he LOVED the splash pad at the Roger Williams Zoo!

I really enjoyed using almost every aspect of the kit for this layout: the vellum, flair, arrow stickers, stamps, 7 patterned papers, washi tape, both sets of alphas, and those great blank October Afternoon stickers (I could layer those all day long!).  I hope you like it!

I'm also here today to share a tour of my scrapbooking area!  I'm lucky enough to have my own room so I have LOTS of storage-- none of it is super beautiful like some rooms that I see but I love it just the same and it works perfectly for my needs (ahem-- and it's cheaper --ahem)

For those of you that don't follow my blog, I create a new blog header every year.  I always keep it on my door to 'mark my territory' lol if ya know what I mean....

Here's the view into the room.  The colors were left over from the teenage girl that lived there before we moved in, but yellow/green/blue aren't horrible colors for a creative space so we haven't changed it quite yet.  Maybe one day!

 One of the topics on the NM facebook page recently was storing your kits.  I use this organizer I bought at Walmart which has been PERFECT.  Each slot fits one kit perfectly plus I can write on the tupperware (I just use some stamp cleaner to erase when it's time). I keep it under my desk so I have easy access.

I also have a LOT of storage for kit leftovers and smaller non-kit items (for example, if I buy just one collection instead of a whole kit).  The scrapbooking 'suitcases', for lack of a better word, each house either a collection I decided to buy, rub-ons, left over label stickers, or left over themed supplies- like Christmas or Halloween.

 I keep my washi tape in a mason jar (at least I did until the last 3 rolls and now I need another jar lol) and my stick pins in a cute pin cushion I found at Michaels.

 You'll also see 9 labeled boxes that I got super cheap at Lowe's.  Once I get close to finishing a Noel Mignon kit I break it up into pieces. Almost every leftover piece fits into one of these categories (plus I have separate storage for stamps and patterned paper): Journaling Cards, Stamps and Ink, Brads/Buttons, Kit Leftovers, Ribbon/Twine, 3D stickers/Chipboard, and Spray Mists.  I also have boxes for Adhesive and my Instax camera and film.

This is the left side of my room that you can't see in the first photo of my room.  I keep scraps of paper in the small tupperware drawers, labeled by color blocks.  The paper organizer is from Michaels and I organize my leftover paper by color.  The white tub holds leftover kits that don't fit in my main organizer, or the three drawers above the paper organizer, which (surprise) i also use for my kits!

This is the upper view of that area, showcasing my floating shelves, where I store my mini albums (I need more of these! love em!), my overcrowded embellishment shelf, and some wreaths I made recently.

Oh! and I love this idea of using a towel rack to hang punches! I bought 3 towel racks 6 months ago and have so far only convinced my husband to put up one (grrr). I'm anxiously awaiting being able to use more because the storage is so handy and I have so many more punches to stow away!

Those punches need a home!  Tell my hubby to help a girl out, won't ya?

Lastly, I have a little area set up for my 2 year old to color and play while I do fun stuff.  Does this work to get him out of my hair?  Yes!  For 30 seconds only, but those 30 seconds are kinda nice....until he starts ripping apart the layout I'm working on....and making race tracks on the carpet with Sharpies.....I mean, that never happened to me, but I hear it happens....

Anyways, there's my long winded tour of my room.  I hope you like it and maybe even try out some of the organizational tips!  


  1. That's awesome. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. your layout is beautiful -- and I like your room too! thanks for sharing.

  3. Love it!! Thanks for giving us a peek inside!

  4. I've enjoyed seeing your scrap room! I'm in the process of renovating mine, and I'm looking for ways to organize my stuff!
