
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My first layout with "Our Summer"

Hi! It's Gretchen today! As soon as my "Our Summer" kit showed up at my door I could not wait to dig in!
I had to be out of town last weekend for a continuing education course and I totally took the kit with me so I could scrap in the hotel room at the end of the day. Nothing like unwinding after a long day of learning by scrapping with some fun, new supplies!!

Want to see what I made??! :)
This one is kind of a "life update" layout. These pictures of my brothers & their girls were taken back at Thanksgiving and I had yet to scrap them. I used the pictures even though they are several months old but made my journaling current.

I like to do these "life update" layouts every now and then. I make these layouts with journaling about what is going on right now. It's not a layout about an event or an accomplishment or a holiday or anything like that. Nope, it's just a layout about the here and now. It's all about what the subject is doing right now: where they are working, what their hobbies are, how they are spending their time, where they are living, etc. Obviously I don't even worry about making the pictures match the date of the journaling. These layouts are all about the journaling so I just find a picture or 2 of the subjects and make 'em work! This is a great way to scrap random extra pictures you have!
Then I just make sure to put 2 dates on the layout: 1) the date of when the pics were taken and 2) when the journaling was done. I think layouts like this will be fun to look back on in like 10 years or so and remember what was going on back then! :)

Have a great day! And thanks for stopping by the blog!

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