
Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer Fun This Way!!

Hello everyone!!  Hope you had a wonderful, relaxing 4th of July!!  Today I'm excited to share my first layout using the Hello Sunshine kit :)  The kit is packed with fun, bright colors & LOTS of great embellishments :)  The combination was perfect for this layout of my son & his friends at the beach last summer . . .

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To create this fun, "weathered" border effect, I glued 4 strips of patterned paper around the edges and sewed them down to the background.  Then, I lifted the inner edge up and tore every few inches or so.  A little bending here & there & ta da - fun & easy border!!!

 photo summerfuncu2_zpsf6526fcc.jpg

With so many awesome tags in this kit, I had fun layering them on each of the pics.  Although, my favorite embellishment was that gorgeous wood chalkboard quote - love it!!!

 photo summerfuncu1_zps32234512.jpg

Have you started creating with your Hello Sunshine kit yet??  We'd love to see what you create - come check out our Facebook group & share!!!


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