
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Charlie's First Haircut

Hi friends!  Here's my latest layout using the Miss Nelson kit, which I have fallen in love with.  I made 4 layouts in ONE weekend using this kit, which might be a new record for me and my super slow scrapping abilities ;)

 These pictures are from about a year ago, and back then I saved a cute little curl of my son's hair.  I went to retrieve it (I had been carrying it around in a pill dispenser in my purse like a weirdo) and found it had become all tangled together.  So I retrieved what I could and used a staple and some Gloo to adhere it to the layout.  There's actually a bit more than what it looks like in the photo, some of the thinner strands didn't photograph.
 I loved the washi tape to add a dark frame for the upper and lower halves of my layout, plus it made all the pinks I was using a bit more 'masculine'.

And for any of you that haven't signed up for the Masquerade Mini Album class- you should!  There will be fun giveaways offered and it will be full of lots of great ideas.  If you bought the kit remember to save your boxes ;)  I just got my kit in the mail and LOVE it!

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