
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a match...

Catch me a catch.
Find me a find. 
OK OK I digress!
However I am 1 for 1 in the matchmaking department!
I set up my friends Justin & Jennifer ~2 1/2 years ago.
Lee & I went with them on their first date. 
And they got married a couple weekends ago.
I think I will quit while I am ahead.
No more matchmaking for me!
I scrapped a few pictures from the wedding with my "Union Square" kit.
This kit was perfect to scrap these fall wedding pics!

I did quite a bit of fussy cutting this one!
I was watching the Alabama-LSU game last Saturday while trying to make this page. 
I was too nervous during the 1st 3 quarters of the game to actually put the page together.
But I could fussy-cut some hearts and flowers no problem!
Roll Tide!
Have a great day!

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