
Monday, July 28, 2014

summer mini

We've been doing a summer list at our house for the last several years. So this year I thought it'd be fun to actually make a little summer mini album of all the items we manage to do!

I decided to go with the We R Memory Keepers 4x4 D-ring album. They are so stinkin' small and cute that I was kind of itchin' for an excuse to buy one anyway :) Noel also has some acrylic albums in the shop that make super cute mini's, too! 

I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my South Shore kit because I knew it would be perfect for this mini!

For the cover page I started with the divided page protector, added some of those Jenni Bowlin flowers (stitching the sleeve closed so they don't fall out!) & adding in some of the chipboard accents.
I love being able to see through to the next page in mini books like this!
To keep the sun brad in place I actually cut up one of the page protectors & attached my embellishments to that & then slipped inside the sleeve (learned that trick from Ali Edwards). That way I don't have the brad sticking out on the backside of my page.
On the next page I simply added a photo of our summer list that we put on our big chalkboard at home. At the end of the album I'll probably do a wrap up page of all the items we were able to accomplish this summer. So far we're just past halfway through summer vacation and we've done about 20 out of 37. Not too shabby!

Throughout the album I kept things pretty simple, adding a few embellishments here & there & most of the photos are from my iPhone. I didn't worry about doing much journaling because anything that's important enough will be in my Project Life or get put into a layout. This album is merely meant to be a fun little snapshot of our summer :)

And other than a couple sticker sheets from previous kits (alphas & labels), a date stamp (Project Life) & a roll of washi from my stash everything is from the South Shore kit. It's super easy to create a mini like this when you stick with one kit!

I'll probably tweak a few things as I go along. I'm thinking of adding the white felt flower from the kit to the spine. But after realizing I wouldn't be able to lay the album flat I decided to wait til I'm done working on it.
Looks cute there, doesn't it??!

The journaling on a few of the photos was done through A Beautiful Mess app. I didn't do a lot of photo editing for this album. I simply took photos from my phone/Instagram & printed them off. Easy peasy!

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