
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Roundup!

You guys, I am so sad. It's time to move on from my beloved Tea for Two kit, and embrace the new Early Autumn kit. Which is totes adorbs (ha!) but sometimes you just get attached, ya know?

So to honor my favorite kit of all time, I thought I would do a little roundup of the projects I did with it.

I have to say, after focusing so much on Project Life style layouts for so long, it was so fun to tackle these more traditional layouts that I will be adding in to my Project Life album.

To get all geared up for the Early Autumn kit, I did a little Pinteresting and found some inspirational ideas that I plan to turn into projects for myself. Noel's Pinspiration Monday board is also a great place to get a little nudge in the right direction too, if you're looking for one ;)

I have had a blank six-pane vintage window sitting on the ledge in my living room for almost three months, just waiting for a little dress-up, and this cute little vintage window gave me a little inspiration for an Autumn-ee themed banner. Or maybe a few, draped perfectly over the window. Can't wait to tackle that one!!

This is a project I made a few years ago, and I am inspired to bring it back to new life with this kit!

And then there's this cutie. You could totally do so many different versions of it with the kit. Or even turn it into a dream catcher, instead. Now THAT sounds yummy!

This could be a fun Cameo project, too!

And here's my favorite pin from Noel's Pinboard yesterday! LOVE the color combo, and the rustic twine. So totally fall, just in a different color scheme!

That's all for me today! Here's another peek at the Early Autumn kit, in case you're interested. 

AND DON'T FORGET! The next term is opening up for new subscribers starting October 1st! Sign up for a 6 month term, so that you can be sure to get all the goodness that Noel packs into these amazing kits each month. Don't miss out!

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