
Monday, September 8, 2014

baby sister // back to school DT challenge

Good Monday morning! Last week Virginia asked all of you to give us DT members a challenge or something you would like us to create. One of the challenges suggested was to use frames on a layout. And since the Tea for Two kit had several fun little frames in it I thought this would be the perfect challenge for me to tackle!

Although, I will admit that I did have a little scrappers block at first. Maybe it's because my kids went back to school last week so I'm still adjusting to the lack of sleep! ha!

But after thinking about it for a little bit I took inspiration from Britt's beautiful layout she posted here. I loved how she used all kinds of little bits and pieces from the kit to fill in the lower portion of her layout. So I started with a few of the frames from the kit and then began adding bits and pieces from the kit.
I love patterned paper that has a mixture of images that you can cut up & put on your layout so that's exactly what I did with some of those.

To finish it off I added some stitching here and there and also around the outer edge of the layout. If you don't sew you could always draw some free form lines around the edge.

I've found the easiest way to tackle a layout with frames is to create a sort of grid on your layout & work all of your embellishments around it. So give it a shot!! And be sure to post your creation on the Noel Mignon facebook group page!!

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