
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hello Happiness

Happy Saturday! I am here to show you my latest layout using the Tea For Two kits, with Noel's latest Pinspiration Board! Every Monday, Noel will be pinning lots of inspirational photos over on her Pinterest Inspiration Monday board, so be sure to check it out!

 This is my inspiration piece:

I love everything about it. Love love love.


Now, usually I don't use pink when scrapping about my son. It just feels a little odd. Call it gender stereotyping if you want, but there's just something about him that is so anti-pink. BUT. This layout is going into MY album, which is the very essence of pink and girly, and so very Tea for Two, that I couldn't resist pinking up these cute photos of him. And I looooove how it turned out!

I used my Cameo to cut out a couple of feathers that I stitched onto the page.


I threw on a couple more butterflies, that I just happen to have on the brain from my last layout and used the rubons to make some fake stitching down the center of the large one.

This layout has quite a few layers to it. I generally go with a white background on all of my layouts, but I loved that the polka dot on this one was subtle, and just enough green to neutralize the amount of pink I slathered around. I used lots of bits and pieces from both of the kits. LOVE those wooden heart stickers! I happened to grab a pad of 6x6 foiled vellum a few weeks ago, and I couldn't resist the gold foil heart sheet! I HAD to add that in!

This layout was supposed to be titled, "Boing!" because of the stuffed giraffe he's holding. It literally makes this loud and crazy boooooooiiiiiiinnnnggggg!!!! So naturally, he bangs it as hard as he can against the ground over and over and OVER again. Loves that thing. Anywho... "Boing!" looked really weird as a title, so I grabbed this wood veneer and did a little Gelato painting on it. Kind of an ombre effect. And for my first try at it, I'm pretty happy.

And that's all for me today! Be sure to check out Noel's Pinspiration Monday Board next week for more fun stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute layout, love the ombre effect on the wood word. Very cute!!!
