
Monday, October 27, 2014

DIY Costumes

Hello friends! Today, I am going to share a fun little project that I made using the Early Autumn kit with you!
For Halloween costumes this year, we decided to use things we had around the house to make our own costumes. Our oldest daughter was easy, she wanted to me a mad hatter, so we went online and looked at some different costumes and put together a fun, bright, and very mismatched costume for her...she even ended up winning first prize in a costume contest at one of our local festivals! For our little guy, again, easy, he's just like his daddy, and loves all things trucks and of course, he had to be a little mechanic!
For our middle daughter, we had a bit of a harder time. We started out with her wearing an older witch costume that we had, but she was not happy with that one at all, so we started brainstorming, and she decided she wanted to be a scarecrow! Easy, a flannel shirt, some jeans, her cowboy boots and she was good. I wanted to make something a little fun for her to wear along with it though! So, in came my Noel Mignon kits!
I started off with the Fancy Pants burlap bow that came in our "Sweet & Simple" classic kit. Then using supplies from the "Early Autumn" kit, I embellished it and made a cute and simple bow for her to wear in place of a hat!

This was very simple to put together...but it made for a fun memory that I know have of this Halloween with my girl! She picked out the embellishments that she wanted, and helped lay everything together.,.,and she LOVES it! :)

Don't forget sub spots for the next term are still open, and the awesome new Maple Creek kit went up for sale today!! Head over and check it out!

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