
Friday, November 7, 2014

Blessed, a Maple Creek layout

Now that we've entered in to November and a season of thankfulness, it's time to celebrate all the things we are thankful for. I feel like scrapbooking in general does a good job of commemorating everything that we're thankful for, but it's also nice every once-in-a-while to be intentional about being thankful.

Today's layout is a pic of my kids and my sisters kids--all the cousins on our side of the family. And while that may seem like a very normal and benign picture, the truth is that both my sister and I both had struggles either before or during our pregnancies that could have meant that these kids may not have even been born. So while on the outside this looks like just another "I'm thankful for..." layout, it's actually a true joy to see a picture of all our answered prayers, of sweet children that the Lord chose to bless us with. I feel truly blessed, which is why I chose that cork sticker title from the Maple Creek kit.

This is the perfect kit to help you count your blessings. While the Maple Creek kit is sold out, you can make sure you don't miss out on another kit by getting a subscription or even asking for a sub for Christmas! Be sure to check out the subscription special pricing here.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you have a great Friday and a blessed weekend!

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