
Thursday, November 20, 2014

We Are So Blessed

Welp, I gotta say, people, I am blessed. Truly.
These last couple of weeks have been a doozy! A lot of work and running around, and not knowing quite how I would get it all done, but luckily, I am blessed with a stinkin' awesome kid, amazing and supportive husband, and a super fun and giving Mamala! And a couple of hours magically appeared on Tuesday night to be able to pull together this little layout. It's funny how right when you need a little miracle, one can just magically appear, isn't it?

After a long weekend visiting my Mamala, I got a phone call in the wee hours from her in her bedroom to come and help. And there she was, with a couple of funky-looking toes! So it was an unexpected extended vacation, without all of the things one normally packs for a two-week getaway. You know, like my Noel Mignon kits! LOL! Luckily, my amazing hubby made some time last weekend to come down and visit us, and bring me my kit box so I could make up this little guy, just in time for Gratitude Week here on the blog!

The title of this layout is "We are so Blessed" and man, we are! Even though it has been a hectic couple of weeks, I feel so lucky that I am able to take this time to help when it's needed. Not everyone can do that, and I am so grateful to my hubbs that I am able to be a stay-at-home mama and live-in nurse when the Mamala calls!

I have been in a very layery mood the last several months, where my layouts are concerned. And all of the cute little individual bit of ephemera that Noel puts in the kits are so perfect to tuck and stitch into place. And I love the translucency of that gorgeous vellum! LOVE it! But I basically love all things gold right now, so I super love those cork star stickers with a little Zazz on them!

And speaking of Zazz and cork - I mean, come on! Was that a no-brainer to do with those super cute We R stickers? Um yes.

And I can't tell you how grateful I am for RUBONS THAT ACTUALLY WORK! I mean, you know what I'm talking about, people! There is nothing more irritating than going to rub down an image and - NOPE - not going on! Very grateful that we get the best goodies in our kits, that I can always count on to work perfectly!

So that's all for me today. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you are having a great week so far!

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