
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Easy Peasy, Christmas Chreasy!

Or something like that... I've never been good at naming blog posts. Winky winky.

So today I just wanted to stop in quickly to show you a card that I made for my mother-in-law to hold one of her Christmas gifts. So it's a card slash giftwrap kind of post...

I made a fairly simple card, without any dimension to it at all. Mostly because it was quick and easy that way, but also because my Mother-in-Law doesn't really like a lot of "stuff" globbed on. So thankfully, her preference for a more simplistic design worked in my favor! All I had to do was make a card base and cut a mat for the 4x6 card from the Cable Knit Daily Diary kit and glue it all together.

Inside the card, I just glued down another 4x6 card that could accommodate the message I wanted to write.

Usually, I leave an envelope it's plain ol' utilitarian self. But since this would be sitting under the tree, I figured I should dress her up a bit. To do this, I just cut a scrap of the same paper I used to mat the card on the front of the card, and a scrap of the same paper I used for the card base. Then, I wrapped a piece of that awesome kraft tape from the Maple Creek kit around the whole card, and decorated up the front of that with a tag, a piece of that cute tinsel string, and a wood veneer from the Cable Knit kit. The snowflake was from my stash. So now the envelope has a "ribbon" that my MIL can unwrap, making this boring card and envelope feel a little more like an exciting gift. Which it is. Cause it's from me and all. Again with the winky winky...

I hope you are all enjoying this Christmas week so far! This year, Christmas is at our house, so I am running around like a crazy person today, getting all the last-minute cleaning, decorating, re-decorating, baking, wrapping, and crafting done, so that I can enjoy this first Christmas Day with our Baby Reed! Can't wait to see him on Christmas Morning! 

Merry Christmas to you all!!

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