
Monday, December 29, 2014

The time has come...

For me to say goodbye. This has been an amazing year as a part of the awesome team, community. Things and people change, and it is time for me to move on and make room for new possibilities for both myself and this club! I have so enjoyed the time here and getting to know everyone, you all are some of the most talented and sweetest people I have encountered in the online scrapbooking community, and I feel honored for the opportunity to have been inspired by and maybe inspired you all just a little! For my last post, I am taking a cue from Deanna, and sharing some of my favorite projects from the past year.

I am so grateful to Noel, Virginia, my team mates, and all of you for making this an amazing year. Some of my favorite layouts have come from these kits and inspiration from all of you. Thank you! Have a happy new year, and make sure to take the time to create something you love!

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