
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Documenting the not so perfect moments in your life...

Hi, Agnus here to share a layout using the absolutely gorgeous Shine Bright Daily Diary kit. The colors in this kit are among some of my favorites and the pairing of Simple Stories and My Mind's Eye goodies is like a match made in heaven! 

As happy as this kit made me feel, the week I was documenting was not so perfect but I felt that it was still important to record these 'not so happy' moments because let's face it, life isn't always going to be filled with sunshine and rainbows.

  The week started off OK, and I made a happy title card to reflect the mood by layering several pretty elements from the kit together.

The happy week quickly went down hill after I received a rather steep fine for dropping my son of in the school bus zone on a morning that we were running late for school. Next our car required some extra effort to be towed out of our underground garage after it wouldn't start due to a problem with it's computer. 

Most products don't focus on the negatives in our lives and are usually full of nice happy phrases that don't always relate to the not so great days, but don't put away the happy words just yet because you can make them more relevant by simply adding a few extra words here or there. This is what I have done to create the 'not so fabulous' card documenting my fine and the gold transparency was great for covering up some of my personal information. 

Things got worse after a few of our baby bearded dragons suddenly passed away this week. The remaining 12 required lots of extra care and attention to prevent any more of them from falling ill. 

 It wasn't a totally bad week though and I took the time to take a selfie to remind myself to smile, and also took the time to enjoy the little things, like getting lost in a good book. 

The way I cropped this photo left me with a lot of negative space to the left of the book, so I used this as a guide to add some of the patterned paper I had used on the previous page. A little bit of gold stitching helped to anchor it in place, and I continued the pattern to the card on the left to visually tie them together. 

And just for good measure, there was another 'not so great' moment to finish off the week when my son had a little accident with the keyboard. I used one of the white die-cut frame over a 3x4" card to create a place for my journaling and as you can see I used the happiest sticker I could find and made it more relevant by simply adding the word 'not'.  

I am hoping to document a much happier week next time, but if it doesn't work out that way at least I know that there will always be plenty of happy words and sayings to transform ;)

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