
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April Showers bring May Flowers

Good afternoon everyone! I don't know about you but this week is been kinda dreary! My neck of the woods really does have April showers and Grey skies and I'm ready for some sunshine!

Here is my layout this week:

I, again, mixed kits.  I used a little of the Hello Darling Daily Diary (still a few available) found here.  Those gorgeous blue flowers were found in that kit! I also beleive the April showers and flowers alphas are in that kit as well.  The silver sparkly thickers came in the Love Life classic kit and it's all sold out! But I'm pretty sure my blue striped background paper came from that Daily Diary Kit and there are a few left and they are on SALE!!!!  Grab it while you can!

I used ink splatters from a Heidi Swapp spray for my "showers" and I love those! I really had a lot of fun with this particular layout! It's not my norm because I am not a "flower" on my layouts person, although I AM trying to do it more, so this particular page was a challenge! 

I cannot remember which kit this frame was in but I HAD to highlight that oh so enthusiastic face my hubby had on display! It was pouring rain, and Jackson offered his umbrella to daddy while he grilled and needless to say, hubby got SOAKED so he was less than thrilled...and I, of course, was camera ready! Also-all of my pictures were originally the 4x6 and I cut them all down to just under a 3x4 my tip for today is that if your pictures don't work for a particular layout you are working on, then make them work! I don't always cut mine down to size, in fact rarely ever, but I used a sketch to get me started and I didn't have any this size, so I made them!!! Viola! 

I hope you guys have a fabulous week! Don't forget to get your new subscription in and TODAY is the deadline for early subscribers gift!!!!! 

Happy Scrappin! 
Shannon Stout

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