
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Scrapbook Layout with the Daily Diary Kit

Good morning! Today, I wanted to share with you a layout I made using the Pack Your Bags Daily Diary Kit. I hadn't used much of the 6x6 papers at all and wanted to get them onto a page so I came up with the idea of this layout.

 I cut up bits and pieces of the 6x6 papers plus cut into some of my embellishments and cards to form a frame around the edge of the layout. I wanted the focus to be on the storytelling but also wanted to include lots of pictures.

As per usual, I finished off the page by accenting with my sewing machine. I tried to be a little more whimsical with my stitching and switched randomly from zig zag to straight stitch and placed stitches in blank areas where I might not usually.

I wanted to journal on a patterned paper but I did not want to type all I had to say using the typewriter. So I cut up the patterned paper into a 4x6 and created a 4x6 canvas with a text box in Photoshop. Then I just printed directly onto my patterned paper.

I printed up my six 2x2 photos by making a 4x6 collage on my phone and then cutting out each individual photo. I love that I was able to get so many photos onto the layout, kind of like I would on a pocket page spread. The journaling takes up most of the space and the photos play a supporting role, which is kind of how I envisioned it. This layout will go in my pocket page album in the April section since I do monthly.

Don't be afraid to use up your Daily Diary kits on layouts as well if your heart so desires. The kit is versatile enough that you could make many different types of projects, not just a pocket page.

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