
Monday, May 11, 2015

Goose Egg

My poor guy got the worst bump on the noggin on Easter. Like seriously bad. And what did I do (after a considerable amount of time had passed, and the tears were dry) but take a picture of the damage. Like any good mother would. LOL.

And here is the proof, brought to you by the amazing Pack Your Bags kit. LOVE this little guy - so versatile, and SO CUTE!

I tried to keep this one simple. Just a few papers and a handful of embellies. It was tough. But I like it.


 Gotta have a little bit of layering. Wouldn't be complete without it.

Love mixing those rubons with dimensional elements! So Fun! And the blue droplets add just enough "art" for me ;)
And that's all for me today! Be sure to check back all week for more great projects from the design team!

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