
Monday, May 18, 2015

Hello You & Me

Can I just tell you that I miss my big girl camera? My hubbs absconded with it for a weekend of drag racing, and I want it baaaaack! So, my apologies for my low light iPhone pictures!

I have been lusting after the Pack Your Bags kit since the moment it landed on my doorstep. It is definitely up there as one of my favorite kits so far. Also my new fave is using up my old stash. So here's a mix of new and old...

I can't tell you how long I've been looking at the hot air balloon rubon. LOVE mixing the cork paper and arrows with the glitz of gold glitter...

Almost-used-up sheets of stickers are just so meh. There is nothing so good as using up those darling little pennant stickers from a kit long past. Love mixing the puffy arrow on top of the cork one. Lots of bulk on this layout.

And of course, I couldn't help adding lots of paper layers. Love the mix of patterns in this kit!

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