
Monday, July 20, 2015

Fourth of July Fun (Pool Party Kit)

Today I have a fun layout for you using some picture from the Fourth of July! Of course, these pictures were taken at night- so they are pretty dark. In order to help the details stand out a little more, I converted them to black and white and upped the contrast. Really, I just wanted to catch a few "mood" pictures that represented how we spent our holiday. 

Because there's so much dark space on this photo, it was the perfect spot to add some bright yellow embellishments. I love this contrast. 

My kids are now old enough to start adding their own words to our layouts. I LOVE this and don't want to miss this opportunity. Do they add lots of details? Nah. Their sentences are pretty straightforward. But you know what I think I'll care about years down the road? Seeing these crooked little letters. 

Don't forget to include your family in the process of journaling! Handwriting has such a personal feel and instantly connects you to that person and time. 

Just a reminder- if you haven't made it to one of Noel's Kit Reveal parties, tonight is the night! We have so much fun doing these and would love to have you come along! 

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