
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Career Day-"Country Life" Classic Kit

Hi again!  I have another layout using the "Country Life" Classic Kit.  I totally ADORE this kit, it's so bright and fun!!! 

When I saw the sewing/crafting themed papers and rub ons from Jillibean Soup in this kit, I knew exactly what photos I wanted to use.  My daughter had to dress up as a career she would be interested in for Spirit Week at school last spring.  She decided to dress as a Fashion Designer.  Best of all, the colors in the photos I took worked PERFECTLY with these papers!!!

The denim pocket from Inaginisce could not have been more perfect to add to a page about fashion design.

The little stitches on the Jillibean Soup rub on sheet were a subtle little addition to the journaling strips on this layout as well.

And to add some texture, the May Arts blue lace was just what I needed!

Thank you for joining me today!  I hope you are inspired to pull out some bright fun photos to use with the "Country Life" Classic Kit.  If you don't already have the kit, I believe there are still one or 2 left in the store.  Have a great weekend!!!!!

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