
Friday, September 11, 2015

Pallet Sign with the Show & Tell Kit!

Do you ever have those things that you buy for a "project" but then stick away and forget about them? Please say yes, because otherwise I'll be over here all by myself, with my pile of craft supplies. ;) 

So I recently uncovered this cute little pallet sign I actually picked up at our local Walmart. I had no idea in mind for what I would create with it, but I knew it would fit well in my house... so it got stuck away some where. I'm glad I found it last week, just in time to make something pretty with it with the Show & Tell kit! 

I used part of a wreath design I downloaded from the Silhouette store. I knew I wanted to replicate some graphic designs that I'd seen out there, but in three dimensions. The florals and gold accents in this kit were great for this. 

I tested the gold pen out on the back of the wood to see if it would show up, and it did! I went over it several times to make sure it wouldn't just soak into the wood, but I was very pleasantly surprised with how well it showed up. I also added some highlights with my white gel pen. 

My hot glue gun was my friend with this project...until I ran out of glue sticks mid-way through the project! I had to run out and get some more so that this would stay together. I just love how it turned out! 

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