
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Third Grade Classroom- "Show and Tell" Classic Kit

I'm here today with a double page layout using the "Show and Tell" Classic Kit.  This kit is one of my favorites so far and I want to use up every last little bit of it!!!  The first layout I made with it is a traditional school layout of my daughter's first day of 3rd Grade.

I am excited about all of the little bits and pieces and embellishments that came in this kit, it made it so easy to put together the embellishment clusters on this layout. I think the Evalicious Photo Shoot 2 puffy stickers are my favorite pack of embellishments this month!

The giant paper clips and gold stars fit so nicely with the "show and tell" theme of the kit.  I HAD to use a few of them right away on this layout.  

For some reason, my kids new shoes for Back to School are one of my favorite things to document each year.  I don't know if it's because I always got a pair of "school shoes" when I was a kid, or what, but I always photograph my kids new shoes on the first day of school.  I decided to journal right on the photograph on this layout.  

I also try to take a picture of the overall classroom each year.  I used to get so caught up in cropping in really tight when taking photos, that I have made a real effort for the past year to back up and get a little more of the surroundings in my photos every so often---I think it helps to tell a better story in my albums.  

Thank you for joining me today, I wish all of you a happy "Back to School" season---have fun scrapbooking those photos with the Noel Mignon "Show and Tell" kit!!!  Share your layouts on our Noel Mignon Members Facebook Page--I would love to see them!

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