
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 2 of the Fall Harvest Crop

Good morning girls! I am bringing you yet another challenge in the Fall Harvest Crop. Make sure to keep coming back to the blog everyday in addition to joining us in the NoelMignon Facebook Group. You don't have to be a NoelMignon subscriber to join the Facebook group or to join in on the Crop fun so come on over and join us! And without further ado, your challenge from me today:

Pumpkin Spice Latte

This challenge is all about scrapping your guilty pleasures. I took a pocket page approach and documented eight current guilty pleasures. 

I used the Blue Moon Daily Diary kit to create this page.  I cut down the 12x12 Pink Paislee Cedar Lane to get some of these cards.

I tried to come up with as many guilty pleasures as I could think of but if you decide to document only one, so be it! 

So, have you figured out which guilty pleasure(s) you will be scrapping? Well, get on it because there is a prize specifically for participants in this challenge. Only those who scrap their guilty pleasure by Saturday, Oct. 24th and post it in the corresponding album in the FB group will be eligible for this gorgeous prize! 

There are several more prizes available this week so make sure you join us in our Facebook group to keep up to date. Can't wait to see what you all make. 

1 comment:

  1. this is an AWESOME challenge...........funny too.......I seem to be surrounded by everything Gilmore girls...............I think I need to watch that......:)
