
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Members Scraplift Week

Hello Everyone! Hope you are all doing well! This is such a busy week, isn't it? Shopping, cooking, cleaning and traveling - I'm tired just typing that! The end result is so worth it - quality time with family and friends! It's a time to appreciate all that we have!
This week the Design Team is taking the time to appreciate our awesome Noel Mignon Members by scrap lifting a member's project! I decided to create a layout this week based on a member's layout. I stayed true to her design except I adapted it to a 8.5 x 11 format. I haven't created this size layout in a while and I forgot how fun it is! Here's my page using this Month's Golden Delicious Kits.
I based my layout on Julie Evers lovely layout. I loved her layering and design. Here's Julie's page.
Here's a few close-ups of my page. I layered lots of patterned papers and bent the edges to give the papers some dimension.
By layering lots of papers together it's easy to tuck embellishments in here and there! Here's a close up of the embellishment in the upper right corner of my page.
Thanks Julie for the inspiration and we appreciate ALL the members of our online family.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Be safe and have a great time with family and friends! See you soon!!!


  1. I ADORE this page, Lynn!!! Wowsa! This is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  2. Wow - I can't believe you chose my layout to lift....I love your take!
