
Friday, December 4, 2015

this is my favorite

There are so many aspects of the Christmas season that I call 'my favorite'. But this one that I'm sharing today is definitely at the top. Christmas Eve...when my family is home from church, the kids have opened their Christmas Eve box from me which always contains a new pair of Christmas jammies, our bellies are full of my homemade meatballs and Christmas cookies, we've opened our gift swap gifts (the kids used to exchange a gift on Christmas Eve but now that they're older we do it with the entire family), Christmas movies are on tv, and the anticipation of Christmas morning is in the air.
My Christmas Eve photos are never 'high quality' because of poor lighting but as I've mentioned before I'm more concerned with documenting the memory rather than having so called perfect photos. 

I did lots of layering with different papers from the Mistletoe & Holly classic kit along with all of the wonderful embellishments that came with the kit. I added some pop dots behind the chipboard "happiest season of all" since I layered on top of the chipboard frame. And even though there's not really any blue on my page I loved the pop of color that the paper snowflake added to my page.
I didn't have a journaling card so I opted to use the red signo pen that came in the kit and journaled around the edge of my page.

This kit is such a great mixture of traditional colors with added pops of non-traditional colors. I just love it! The classic kit is sold out but there are still a few daily diary kits left. I have that one, too, and it's gorgeous as well!! Can't wait to make some pages with it!! 

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