
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Inspired by Hearts All A Flutter- "Heart of Gold" Classic Kit

I'm using the "Heart of Gold" Classic Kit again today.  Following along with the design team's inspiration of "Hearts All a Flutter", which simply challenges us to incorporate a movable element to our layout, I decided to incorporate hidden memorabilia in my layout...

This layout is about the day my daughter gave her speech when she was running for school treasurer.  Although she was not voted treasurer, I was so proud of her for preparing and giving the speech, and how graceful she reacted when she found out she didn't win.

I included my daughter's original speech notes because I think it will be fun for her to look back at her speech in her own handwriting one day.  I embellished the bag containing the speech with stickers, chipboard, trim, and one of the flowers from this month's kit. I made my own "faux flair" using scraps of paper punched with a 1" circle punch, stamped images, and a clear epoxy sticker over the top.

I really like the look of a variety of fonts and letter stickers/Thickers in a title.  I used the Thickers that came in the kit along with some chipboard stickers and alphabet stickers that I already had in my stash.  I embellished the title, and the other embellishment clusters on the layout, with stars from the Pink Paislee gold puffy stickers in this month's kit, along with a few flowers from my stash.

The journaling on this layout was very important to me, because it told the story of how nervous my daughter was to give her speech,it told that she didn't win----and it told how she reacted to not winning.  I cut apart the labels from a piece of Pink Paislee patterned paper in this month's kit, and lined them up down the side of the page to journal on.  I felt that this really made the journaling stand out on my layout.

Thank you for looking at my interactive layout today!!!  I would love to see what you have made with your kit.  Share it on our Facebook page!!!

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