
Friday, May 20, 2016


Hey all, Michelle here! This week the Noel Mignon design team is playing with numbers on their layouts so I decided to do a page about my son's 12th birthday. Seems like the obvious choice, right?

I pulled out the Pack Your Bags classic kit for this one since I still had a few items left from the kit that I had kept together. Usually when I use up most of a kit I will then put the remaining items in my scrap stash. But with this kit I loved the theme and so I kept the items together for any travel pages that might come up. (The striped paper along the side is from the Pure Bliss Classic Kit.)

***The Pack Your Bags kit is obviously sold out but the Trailblazer Classic Kit would be great for travel pages!***
Last February my son turned 12 and I surprised him with a quick birthday trip to Disneyworld, just him and I. It was the first time we've ever done something like that and I have to say it was a lot of fun. We could do whatever we want whenever we wanted - like ride Expedition Everest 6x (soooo fun!!). 

If you have the chance to take a trip with each one of your kids individually I would highly recommend it! I'm often reminded just how little time I have left of my kids being kids so I'm taking every opportunity I can to make special moments with them!
So for this page I didn't add any journaling because I will probably add a pocket page with some journaling and highlights and these pages will go in my son's scrapbook. And then I'll be creating a mini-album for our entire trip. 

I cut the number '12' with my Silhouette (my favorite font for numbers is Impact - it gives nice chunky numbers)
By the way, if you head to Disneyworld and you love Star Wars you must go see Chewbacca!! Oh man, what an experience!

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