
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pure Bliss Classic Kit: School Shopping

Happy Wednesday, Friends! Jana Eubank here. It's a chilly, spring morning here where I am, but my kids are excited anyway because they can feel the school year winding down. Spring Fever has officially set in at our house and it is all I can do to keep my kids focused enough to finish out the school year!

I strayed a bit from this week's design team theme and went with a school theme instead, scrapping these photos I had of my daughter when we went school shopping together several years ago. I just loved the way the colors looked with the colors of the Pure Bliss kit this month. :)


"You & Me" stickers aren't just for couple photos ... I use them a lot on pages about my kids and I and the things they do together.

Initially, I created this page on a white cardstock background ... when I went to add stitching to the background, my sewing machine went awry and I ended up trimming it out and placing it on the aqua background. You can still see some stray stitch lines across the top of the white cardstock ... I'm okay with that, because it ended up being a happy mistake ... I like these photos on the aqua cardstock better anyway! I LOVE when things work out when you don't mean them to! :D

I placed my favorite photo of my daughter inside the glittery photo frame wood piece from the kit and tied a bit of white twine around it.

I love these colorful letters included in the kit this month! When using a busy patterned alphabet like this, I tend to keep everything else on the simple side so that the letters can really shine. 

Along the bottom of the photos I added the glittery Queen & Co tape from this month's kit. I zig-zag stitched through the center of it and then roughed up the edges a bit with my fingernails. LOVE the texture this brought to my page.

How is your Spring plugging along? I know it's a busy time of year with families, but it's also a great time to get some scrapping in! Come share your project with us on the Noel Mignon Members Facebook page. We'd love to see what you have been creating!

See you again soon!

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