
Friday, March 17, 2017

January 2017 Project Life

Hi!  Sarah here with a project life spread for 2017.  I used up some of the pretty aquas in the kit, which was perfect because it was still cold and even snowed one day.  

For the title card, I used a fun stamped 3x4 card that a friend stamped for me.  I will be using these every month for this year's PL album.  I put it on top of a 4x6 cut of the Pebbles paper.  I also added the wood veneer label with the month.

For the center, I included some fun photos from the month.  On the far left, a picture of two of my favorite things: coffee and books!  That was the book I was reading in the beginning of January.  The second photo is my weight at the time, with a transparent circle that says "GOALS" from Freckled Fawn (not included in the kit).  Next, is a business card and photo (it's very dark, I'm sorry...) of LulaRoe, which I have recently discovered.

On the bottom, my daughters both had their first dentist appointments.  They both had cavities and had to get them filled (poor babies!).  Caylan's photo here is after hers was done and half of her mouth was numb and she was trying to smile.  I cut out the sentiment "Your smile makes me smile" from a 3x4 card and added it on the paper, along with Carta Bella alphas.  On the right, I used the beautiful gold foil card and added a Carta Bella sticker on top of the tea cup.

On the top right, my favorite thing on this spread was this picture of the snow day and I added a circle with January (Freckled Fawn, not in the kit) and used some Carta Bella alphas to spell SNOW directly onto the photo.

On the right side of the spread, I started with my husband, who was in Las Vegas for a few weeks for some work training.  He got to meet up with some friends who we have been stationed with previously.

In the center, I journaled on the floral card about his trip and added VEGAS with the Carta Bella alpha stickers.  Next, a picture of Layla sitting on the couch with our dog, Brody.  He laid across her lap and sat there for a while (that's RARE!).  I used the "I Love Your Soul" die cut.  It was pretty big, so I cut it apart and made it work for me.  Then, I used the beautiful floral card and added a Carta Bella sticker across the center and outlined it with pen.

On the bottom, documented my husband's work party that I went to.  It was a Speakeasy theme and so much fun!  The bottom two cards and the picture in the center right is from the party.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I can't wait to see what projects you are making with this month's kits!

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