
Friday, November 24, 2017

Thankful for Ten: Home Sweet Home Daily Diary Kit

Hi!  And Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American readers!!!  Today I am coming at you with a layout about how thankful I am for our rescue boxer, Annabelle.  We adopted her when she was about a year old and stray on the streets of San Antonio, TX.  We met her at a rescue center and it was love at first sight for both of us.  She is the perfect dog for us.  She's sweet, gentle and brings us so much joy.  She has just turned 10 this month, and she has been with us for 9 years. 

This is an 8.5x11 layout that will go in Annabelle's album.  I used a brown plaid paper from my stash as the background and then used the 6x6 papers from the kit that I still had left.

The Simple Stories chipboard "Thankful" sticker was perfect for my title.  I used the Thickers from the kit to finish it off.  The red project life card was great for my journaling since we definitely felt like she completed our family when we brought her home.

I cut out a piece from the Simple Stories cut apart sheet to create the "so very blessed" collage and added the chipboard "together" to help it round out.  The Elle's Studio cut aparts were great as a sentiment along the left-hand side as well.

The chipboard hearts really helped it come together and finish it off.

Thanks so much for joining us today.  Have you used this kit to document something you are thankful for?  Please share it in our FB group so we can see it!

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