
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Sweet Kenya with the So Sweet Daily Diary Kit

Hello, Nicole on the blog today.  This week the design team theme is finding inspiration in a layout or a sketch that we love.  I tend to look at a sketch and use it as a very loose guide and never actually stick to the actual sketch.  I found this sketch on my pinterest board.  I liked the placement of the pictures with the journaling block and title.  As you can see from the sketch I ended up flipping it upside down. 

The subject of my layout this week is the new lady of our house, our sweet kitty Kenya.  We got her a month ago and she is slowly starting to warm up to us.  I have to say it's really nice not being the only girl and it gave me a chance to use a whole lot of pink and flowers on this layout ;)

I added the paper pack with my kit this month and it allows me to stretch the daily diary kit further.  The background paper is the only addition to the kit and everything else is from the daily diary kit. 

The title spot is cut from one of the 4x6 cards.  I then added one of the gold thicker stickers and cut down the word "sweetie" to spell "sweet". 

I also like trying to make the products work for me.  The journaling card had a red heart on the top.  I topped it with a few stickers from the kit and it helped carry the pink/gold colors to the top of the layout. 

I finished the layout with strips of washi tape on the top and bottom and tucking in some of the flower stickers among my title and journaling block.  I really let the sketch and product dictate most of my choices and kept it very basic this week. 

How are you using this months kit?  Be sure to share with us on the Noel Mignon Members Facebook group. 

Happy Scrapping!

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