
Thursday, March 15, 2018

remembering the best times

Hey there!

Is it spring break where you are?

It is here and we've been lazily enjoying our time off.

We haven't gone anywhere amazing or done anything too exciting but it's been fun to be home and to relax and not have to be too many places like we would on a regular week. With one daughter in competitive gymnastics we get to travel a lot this time of year so we are happy to just be able to stay home and do nothing ☺

For this week's project I used the You Go Girl Daily Diary kit. It's adorable and there are still two left in the shop!

For this page I used the grid paper in the Daily Diary kit. The rainbow striped piece is actually the paper insert from the little foam Thickers. I just pulled it out of the packaging and cut a strip off and saved the remainder for another project. I love to use packaging and other kit contents in creative ways. 

This little frame was from the kit as well. I used spray mist in green and aqua to add some color to it and then added a couple of Pink Fresh Studios leatherette tags and other embellishments around it. 

One of my favorite parts of Noel's kits is the mix of alphas that can be used in titles. Here I used the foam Thickers from the Daily Diary kit and some puffy stickers and a chipboard word to make the title for my page. 

What have you been creating lately? 

We'd love to have you visit with us and share your creative ideas on our Noel Mignon Members Facebook page. 

Have a great day!

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