
Friday, July 9, 2010

Photo Tip!

This week's challenge was to create a LO based on some type of freedom that you have experienced. It was interesting to see everyone's different interpretations of this theme! Mine was based on the fact that my children are getting a bit older and don't need me to watch their every move. No longer are the days of crying babies that need to be soothed and longer are the days of chasing an active toddler.......and even though I miss those days at times, I am enjoying the fact that I have more "Me" time. I enjoy being able to sneak off into my craft room and do what I most enjoy. : ) To emphasize the fact that my kids are now 13 and 15 I chose an older color photo of the 3 of us and contrasted it with recent black and white photos. I love the color variation here!

I used the Sun-Kissed kit for this LO. Be sure to check out the newest kit, Office Party, coming out on July 15th. It is a fabulous kit that is sure to fly out the door!
Have a great weekend!!!

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