
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Use Your Stash

Do you have lots of bits and pieces left over from different paper collections and kits? I know I do!

One of my favorite ways to use up my extra supplies is by participating in a color challenge. I recently joined the team at Color Combos Galore and have really enjoyed taking a color scheme and inspiration photo, collecting supplies from all around and my scrap room, and combining them in a new way that I wouldn't have thought of on my own.

Here is the latest page I created for Inspiration Board #149.

The background paper is My Mind's Eye Wild Asparagus. The Pink Polka dot is from the baby themed "Ducks in a Row" collection by October Afternoon. The green paper is from the Monster-Themed "Night Light" collection by October Afternoon. And the wood-grained paper is an older piece by Pink Paislee.

Who knew I could combine all these papers together to create a soft, girly page?! I certainly wouldn't have thought to do this on my own.

So next time you look at your stash of supplies, and you're not quite sure what to do with what you've got . . . try a color challenge that will help you to combine your existing supplies in a new way.


Also, this week, I wanted to share with you the page I created for the Independence Challenge on the Noel Mignon Challenge Blog. The first time I started to feel "independent" in my life was when I learned to drive and purchased my own car. :)

I loved feeling a bit of financial freedom from my parents and proud of myself that I was being responsible paying for my own car. I loved that I got to choose this big ticket item myself, and I felt like I could now go anywhere in the world, anytime I wanted. It was a very liberating experience for me.

(Page created with the Noel Mignon Sonoma County Kit.)

When was a time in your life that you felt independent? Come on over to the CHALLENGE BLOGand play along with us!

Happy Thursday!


  1. I love the gorgeous page you did for the first layout, I have these older papers but never would have thought to put them together and well your independance layout is divine, I just love how you used the gorgeous papers that were in this kit, I am working on my layout tonight for this challenge, Love Melxx

  2. YEP, just GORGEOUS Jana!!! There is nothing better than using up some wonderful leftover goodies.
