
Monday, August 30, 2010

A Challenge Layout!

So, I'm a total slacker loser, and didn't get my challenge layout done in time. Partly because I am scrapping on a folding table with scotch tape and little kid scissors, and partly because I just didn't have brain cells left in my head last night. Can I just say that caulking baseboards is NOT my favorite thing, but may I also say that I am a PRO at it? Yeah.

So, if you haven't seen the new challenge posted over on the challenge blog, be sure to check it out. Here is the inspiration photo I chose to use! I'm not much of a plaid person, I must admit, but I'm liking that kick of red in there with those neutrals and pale blue!

Anywho, here is my layout for this week's challenge. I loved the inspiration colors that Greta came up with! What an awesome idea!

This layout is the first in a great big series of layouts I'm gonna be doing about the new house. And since we'll be working on this place until the day we die, that's gonna be one big series!

I used the Sweet Sue Kit (hurry, only 12 left!) along with some goodies from my own stash. I LOVE that calendar journaling tag - what a great base for a title, huh?

I have been on an accordion flower binge lately, and decided to make a banner with them instead this time. I used the Basic Grey Adrian paper from the kit for those, and the star pins (minus the pokey part!) for the tops. Be sure you use a glue gun on these, they get a little wild!

So go on, have a great Monday and be sure to show us all your great layouts! We love seeing what you come up with!


  1. Seriously fantastic layout...I adore it!!!

  2. I just love this and how about a tute on those gorgeous half accordion banner flowers. Love your tutes. Melxx

    Good luck with the house renovation, it will be so worth it in the end.

  3. This is so cool Britt! Your pleated banner is so inspiring!

  4. aw shucks, thanks you guys! As soon as I get the studio set up I'll do a tute on the banner, promise!


  5. Your accordian banner is the bomb-diggity! Love it!
