
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

playing with shaped papers

Shaped papers are so much fun to play with. And it seems like just about every company is making them these days. Sometimes they can seem a bit challenging on what to do with them. Then again, sometimes they're so pretty you want to 'save' them for the perfect layout! C'mon, I can't be the only one that does that! 

So I thought I'd share a few different ideas on using those fun shaped papers. 
As a background
 Office Party kit (alphas from Seaside Cottage kit)
Of course, the easiest way to use those papers is by using as your background paper on your layout. I loved the red in this My Mind's Eye paper and it picked up the red in my son's shirt.
Using half of the page

Seaside Cottage kit
Sometimes it's fun to cut your shaped paper in half on your layout. In this one I used it on the bottom half and it 'grounds' all of my embellishments & photos on the page. And even have the other half for another layout!

By the way, quick tip I did with my photos. I knew I wanted 2 for this layout because it just looked better but only had one. My answer - print one in color and one in black and white. Problem solved!
Take the middle out
 Sweet Sue kit (12 left!!)
For this layout I cut the middle out of the shaped paper and put the bottom & top half back together. This is also fun to do on a 2 page layout, splitting the halves between the 2 pages in your layout.
So what are you doing with those lovely shaped papers?? We'd love to see! And be sure to go check out the DT members' blogs. I'm sure you'll see lots of ideas on how to use those shaped papers!


  1. I especially love the layout where you tood the middle out of, and how cute is puppy waiting for his family to come home from school. Great work. Melxx

  2. Love the shaped papers. Such cute layouts!!

  3. Love this post! Taking the middle out is my fave : )
