
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All I Want for Christmas...

Building on Leah's last post, I feel that it's so very important to slow down this season, and to take in everything it has to offer.

For our family, that means relaxing nights by the Christmas tree, watching movies and drinking cider. We spend the night at my in-law's house, hang out in our pajamas and play board games and sometimes we hang out at my house and enjoy visiting with my parents who live out of town.

For us, the season is about actually taking time to rest, instead of attempting to visit everyone and do everything.

I took a little time to make my Christmas wish list:

1. Time with family
2. Decorated trees & lights
3. Hot cider & treats
4. Time to take lots of photos
5. Chilly nights in the city
6. Time to relax and rest
7. A giving and charitable heart
8. Getting together with friends
and 9. To be thankful every day

What's on your list this season? What are the things you want that money can't buy?


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