
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My soon-to-be favorite kit so far....

Hi Everyone!! I almost missed my post today! :P Pregnancy-brain is really affecting me lately. Anyway I wanted to share with you guys the awesome sneaks of the upcoming kit 'Very Virginia' that Noel has been teasing us with on the boards!! This kit is seriously turning out to be my fav so far! I am loving all the colors, and textures, and glitter and mediums!! Gah! I just swoon everytime I look at the sneaks. :D

Pre-order for this lovely kit happens this Sunday the 19th!! Be sure you sign on to the message boards to be able to follow the member's only exclusive link to the pre-order! :D Be sure to grab your kit fast, because Noel's kits usually don't stick around long to make it very far past reveal! :D
More sneaks....cause I just can't stop lookin at em!! :D
And my favorite sneak so far....bliss.
Now there is something even more awesome for those of you who order on the Sunday pre-order!! Noel just announced on the boards yesterday that she will be handing out 5 RANDOM GIFTS between the pre-orders! And you could be one of those lucky winners!!! She has paper packs from My Mind's Eye, October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket, plus 1 paid admission to Virginia's companion class (more on this class later!), and an Adobe software package!!! :D Be sure to check out Noel's official announcement in the boards for all the details on this! (I sooooo wish I could be entered for some of that! But alas, only you guys are the lucky ones!)
And if that wasn't enough I have two more offers for ya! :D Not only do you have the chance to win 2 Bedford Falls kits if you participate in this weeks challenge, but you can also get 2 packs of Thickers (a $10 value!!) FREE when you purchase 2 kits OR spend over $100 in the shop!! And EVERYTHING in the shop right now (except kits) is on sale!!
So you have quite a few chances to win some pretty major FREE awesomeness this Sunday!!! :D Definitely don't hesitate on participating, cause it could totally be you that wins!
Hope everyone is well!! Take care!

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