
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Domestic Goddess challenge!

Hi Everyone!! I am sharing with you today my LO for the new challenge! When I read what this challenge was, I automatically thought of the October Afternoon collection Modern Homemaker that was in the Delightfully Domestic kit that I just got. :D This collection was perfect for this challenge! So of course I had to use it.

My days here at home are all extremely similar to each other. Many times during the week I could not tell you what day it is!! (Thank goodness for Survivor on Wednesday nights cause at least I get that day right! Laugh!) We have basically the same routine here, maybe not always in the same order, but definitely the same things get crossed off the list everyday. It can get a bit monotonous at times, but I do really enjoy it. I am very fortunate to be able to stay at home with my girls while they are young, so I cherish this time very much.

I basically just wrote down in the journaling some of the things that we are doing everyday right now. I kept my LO simple and clean cause I wanted the photo and journaling to be the main focuses of this page. :D But I made sure I still had fun with colors and designs!

It's kind of funny, I feel like I JUST GOT my Delightfully Domestic kit, and then the amazingly awesome Jump and Jive lands on my doorstep!! I can't wait to start working with this kit! It is gorgeous! If you haven't picked yours up, then head on over to here and get it before it is gone! :D
Hope everyone is well!! Take care!


1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I just love the colors in this kit!! YOur LO is beautiful as well as the photo!!! LOVE it all!!
