
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our Home

Today, I'm sharing my layout for the "Domestic Goddess" challenge over on the challenge blog. Since having twin girls, a "domestic goddess" I am not. :) In their early baby days, I was lucky to grab a shower! I love to cook and bake and do all things crafty so I guess in those ways I am pretty domestic. But when it comes to cleaning, forget about it! I do love when my home is clean but I've had to learn to not be such a perfectionist about it. Life is definitely getting easier as the girls get older and my layout today focuses on how I've been able to start teaching them to help mommy! Their first "chore" has been to help me unload the dishwasher. And they are so sweet about helping me...their little faces just light up when I praise them for a job well done.

I used a Melissa Frances kraft envelope to "house" my title (the October Afternoon stickers and a My Mind's Eye dimensional sticker). I built the Crate Paper Neighborhood banner off the title. 

Here I layered October Afternoon patterned paper, Crate Paper fence sticker, a My Mind's Eye dimensional sticker and I just had to stick that little KI Memories puffy tree in there. 

And here's a peek at the journaling I put on the tag in the envelope. 

Until next week,

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