
Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbyes and Hellos!

As 2013 winds down, our time with some of our designers from this year also comes to a close. We want to say a great big THANK YOU to our amazing design team. Without them, we could not do it! They help us stay inspired, come up with new ideas for old products, and see the kits in different lights. You guys are amazing! Thanks for all your hard work Veronica Milan, Gretchen McElveen, Julie Bonner, and Cassandra Cyr! A special thanks to our wonderful partner, Christie Welch!

I wanted to share a few of MY favorites of these great designers from this year... make sure to scroll back through the blog to continued to be inspired!

From Julie Bonner- I loved this page from her Project Life in August!

 photo nmpl_zps1b58a73a.jpg

From Gretchen McElveen- one of her amazing cards!

From Cassandra Cyr- a beautiful layout with cool techniques! 

And this happy layout from Veronica Milan! 

Thanks again, you wonderful people, you! 

Check back in this evening for some sneak peeks from our new team! 


  1. Love these projects. I am new to your blog and kits, just starting in October with the Mini Book kit, and I am hooked. I am looking forward to the more of the inspiration I have found with your DT.

  2. These are all great projects! Can't wait to see what 2014 has in store. Happy New Year!
