
Friday, July 11, 2014


Over the 4th of July weekend we hung out at the house, bbq'd, built a fire for s'mores, and basically just hung out together. I got my little one a pool to play in (hello, it's been in the 90s the last week!) and she had a ton of fun splashing around in it. 

But what was even more fun was squirting her big brother with his water gun :)

I created this layout with the Sweet & Simple classic kit

I had to laugh when I saw Amanda's post earlier this week because I knew I was also playing around with cutting up those great shapes!
I also used some of the great Mister Huey's mister spray on the background of my paper because I knew it would tie in to the color of the grass in my photo. I also played around with a couple of the stamps that came in the kit.

And then I just added some layering under the photo with strips of various papers along with that sun card & kraft envelope and that adorable heart clip!

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