
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Remember Happy

Hello again!

I have one final project to share using the Home Sweet Home Classic kit before moving on to our December kit, Gingerbread and Peppermint. There are still some of each of these kits left in the Noel Mignon shop.

This picture to me exudes happiness. This is my youngest daughter and she is very happy most of the time. She's a sweet girl who loves life and loves to smile and do things to cheer others. I love this picture of her with a pumpkin on her head ☺

Here is a closer look at my page: 

I love how the blues and greens of the Elle's Studio products work so well with the autumn tones of the Echo Park collection. I used a mix of both on this layout. 

These felt flowers from Jillibean Soup were the perfect way to finish off my page. 

Have a wonderful rest of your week!

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